Property Companies
& Property Developers

High-value property transactions and developments are a major target for fraudsters, criminal gangs and organised crime. As a property developer, your personal security, safety and property assets are at risk.

Key Services:

We provide a wide range of specialist protective services to property developers globally, from corporate intelligence to surveillance, personal family security and enhanced vetting of third parties.

  • Subject Analysis & Due Diligence Third Parties
  • Development Security Audits
  • Security By Design
  • Corporate Investigations
  • Physical & Technical Surveillance
  • Enhanced Vetting Third Parties & Employees
  • Security Risk Assessments
  • K9 Protective Assets For Property
  • Property Developer Personal & Family Security
  • Cyber & Communications Security
  • Penetration Testing (Cyber) Building Security
  • Technical Surveillance Counter Measures

There is an increasing risk of major property transactions in the UK, Europe and around the globe being targeted by criminal gangs, terrorist organisations, dubious offshore companies, shell company trusts and rogue states.

Intelligence and background knowledge on business associates is of paramount importance in multimillion-pound property deals. Fraudulent and criminal activity can lead to substantial losses – and in some cases risks to the personal safety and security of individuals and their families.

It is vital to know precisely who you are dealing with. Due diligence conducted by law firms and accountants is insufficiently robust for these transactions. The property development sector is also a high-risk, high-gain environment, which attracts Organised Crime Gangs (OCGs) and ‘white collar’ criminal enterprises.

We have acted for and advised property clients, HNWIs and property developers who have been the subject of targeted surveillance, blackmail plots, fraud and extortion threats. Other clients have been the target of sophisticated deception from within their organisations, where confidential business and financial information has been compromised by contractors and former employees.

We have extensive experience advising clients in the property sector on all matters of personal and corporate security, safety and intelligence-gathering.

Our Process


Assess Risk

From personal security to high value business transactions we are the experts at assessing all risk factors.

Analyse Risk

We cross-reference our multiple intelligence sources to analyse your risk exposure.

Predict Risk

We identify vulnerabilities and work through scenarios to predict outcomes and exposure to risk.

Mitigate Risk

Protecting your family, your wealth and business interests, we instigate counter measures to mitigate risk.

To discuss your requirements in the first instance, please make contact below.

All communications from initial contact onwards will be encrypted.

Registered Address

9-11 Vittoria Street
B1 3ND


The Colony
Altrincham Road
Wilmslow, Cheshire